Facing the challenge of Islam

man balconyWe face a big challenge in the 21st century. 

How can we most effectively use our limited resources to reach the people in Iran with the Gospel? Here in the second decade of the third millennium we are looking at new technology and new ideas.

Nevertheless, Iran is still one of the least-reached countries of the world, and there are relatively few means available to reach the 75 million people who live there.

In addition, we face a backlash to the perceived threat the political leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran present to the West. How do we deal with Iran? Heads of governments all over the world are asking themselves this question.

So are we. But for different reasons.

We believe God has uniquely equipped Voice of Christ Media Ministries to proclaim the Gospel in this land. We believe that time is running short. And we are convinced the answer to Iran’s problems is found in lives transformed for eternity by the Lord Jesus Christ.

This defines our passion and what we will attempt to do in the Name of Christ. It marks out what we will trust God to do through us as we launch into the next decade and beyond.

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