The other side of Iran

smiling_youngman_1Every day we hear the stories and see the pictures from Iran. Distrust, fear, a stagnating economy, crushing poverty, political oppression and religious fanaticism — seemingly unsolvable problems.

A generation of Iranians has survived a lifetime of conflict and crushed hopes. Their leaders have tried to create an ideal religious society. But it has become a nightmare for tens of millions who are desperate for hope. As Muslims, they believe God is merciful and compassionate. But they see precious little of either mercy or compassion in their lives and communities.

But another story has been unfolding in thousands of lives. God is doing something amazing in the hearts of people in the Islamic Republic of Iran! He is stirring in hundreds of thousands of them, and His Word is finding fertile ground.

Voice of Christ Media Ministries serves Iranians in many countries by bringing them into a life-changing encounter with the living Christ through a Farsi website, internet radio, satellite radio, mobile appsFacebookYouTube, and other media. We love Iranians because Christ loved us first when we had no hope of knowing God. 

Behind closed doors, many Iranians are hearing God's Word. They hear about the Jesus of the Bible, a Jesus they never knew. And they find in Him all the love and mercy and compassion for which their hearts have longed.

More Iranians are coming to faith in Jesus Christ now than in the previous 1,300 years! This is the other side of Iran.

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