Recommended sources of Persian (Farsi) evangelistic and discipleship literature, Bibles, New Testaments, videos, CDs, and other resources:
Bible Societies - The Bible Societies in different countries stock Bibles and Scripture portions in Persian (Farsi). Go to Bibles Canada and the American Bible Society and enter the search term "Persian."
King of Glory - "King of Glory" is a moving chronological presentation of the Gospel from Genesis to Revelation, from creation to Christ. It clearly explains God’s plan to rescue His rebel subjects from the kingdom of darkness and qualify them to live with Him forever in His kingdom of light through His Son Jesus Christ. It is available as a book with color illustrations and as a 3 hour 42 minute movie. The 3rd edition of the “King of Glory” movie on DVD includes Farsi for Iranians plus 15 other languages. These languages cover half the world's population. "King of Glory" makes sense to its worldwide audience of all ages and cultures. See the trailer in English.
Jesus Film Project - Highly recommended. The "Jesus" video is one of the greatest tools of all time to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ. Based on the Gospel of Luke, it dramatizes the life of Jesus from his birth to his sacrificial death and victorious resurrection. Also suggested are the "Magdalena: Released from Shame" DVD, highlighting the story of Mary Magdalene and other women whose lives were changed by Jesus, and "The Story of Jesus for Children," a children's version. All three DVDs in Farsi can be ordered online from the Jesus Film Project.
Global Recordings Network - A source for audio cassettes, MP3 downloadable files, and other resources in 5,500 languages, including Persian.
Multi-Language Media - A unique source of Christian literature in many languages of the world. Multi-Language Media is now operated by CLC International.
Hovsepian Ministries - Founded by the family of martyr Haik Hovsepian, this ministry provides music CDs, videos, and other tools for the spiritual growth and equipping of the Farsi-speaking church around the world.
"Steps to Peace with God" in Persian - A Gospel tract you can download and print for your Iranian friends.