The Lord continues to build His church in Iran. Even in cities where it is especially dangerous to live as a Christian, God is at work and new believers are joining the family of God. The fields are white for harvest all over Iran.
A growing number of Iranians have come to Christ in recent years. Many of them are completely isolated from Christian fellowship. They need to draw comfort, strength and guidance from the Scriptures to face the ordeals of life, including growing harsh persecution. Voice of Christ Media Ministries puts a high priority on discipling and encouraging them.
Countless believers listen to our satellite radio broadcasts and use the resources on our Persian website. We encourage them to read and believe the Word of God. We explain it carefully, trusting the Lord to establish and build them up in their faith.
Unfortunately, false teachers are attempting to deceive Christians in the world, just as the New Testament warned. This is one reason why we are so committed to teaching the Bible accurately and relevantly and getting biblical content into the hands of church leaders and other believers in the Iranian world.
Pray that Christian believers will be solidly grounded in the Scriptures and encouraged and edified in the difficult months ahead. Pray that they will find our radio broadcasts and website and become firmly established in the truth. Pray that those who have questions about Christianity will not be led astray from the foundational truth of salvation by faith alone in Christ.