Afghanistan fast facts


map afghanistan 1

Terrain: Mostly rugged mountains with plains in the north and southwest

Arable Land: 12%


Population: 34,940,837 (July 2018)

Population Density: 54.1 per square kilometer

Age Structure: 0-14 years - 40.92%, 15-64 - 56.48%, 65 years and older- 2.61% (2018)

Population Growth: 2.37% annually (2018)

Major Cities: Capital is Kabul 4.012 million (2018). Other cities: Kandahar 557,118, Mazar-e- Sharif 693,000. Urbanites number 26.7% (2015)

Ethnic Groups: Pashtun 42%, Tajik 27%, Hazara 9%, minor ethnic groups (Aimaks, Turkmen, Baloch, and others) 13%, Uzbek 9%

Languages: Pashtu 50%, Afghan Persian (Dari) 70%, Turkic languages (primarily Uzbek and Turkmen) 11%, 30 minor languages (primarily Balochi and Pashai) 4%, much bilingualism

Literacy: 38.2% (male=52%, female=24.2%)

Languages with Scriptures: 24 Bibles, 7 New Testaments, 8 portions (2010)

Religions: Sunni Muslim 84.7-89.7%, Shi'a Muslim 10-15%, other .3% (2009)

Christian churches are not permitted. The number of Afghan Christians is estimated to be fewer than 15,000


Telephones: 118,769 (2017)

Mobile Telephones: 23,929,713 million (2017)

Radio Stations: 150 private radio stations, more than 30 community-based radio stations

Radios: 167,000 (1999)

Television Stations: 50 (2007)

Televisions: 100,000 (2002)

Internet Service Providers: 46 (2010)

Internet Users: 3.5 million (2016)

Data Sources: World Factbook, Internet World Stats and Operation World


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